AT10 Universal NMEA0183 Converter. Requires adapter cable to connect to NMEA2000 Micro-C network (See Accessory tab)The AT10HD is specifically made to supply NMEA0183 heading data with high update rate (10Hz). 10Hz heading is the only information the AT10HD will transmit via NMEA0183. The AT10HD also converts data received in NMEA0183 format to SimNet / NMEA2000 format. The AT10HD is powered from the SimNet bus (or from the NMEA2000 bus via an adapter cable).Data converted from SimNet & NMEA2000 to NMEA0183 (TX) and from NMEA0183 to SimNet & NMEA2000 (RX). X indicates RX compatibility. No Hz number or X indicates no transmission or reception. NMEA0183 sentence TX / RXAPB xBWC xBWR xDBT xDPT xGGA xGLL xHDG 10Hz / xHDM xHDT 10Hz / xHSC MTW xMWV Relative Wind xMWV True Wind xRMA xRMB xRMC xRSA VHW xVTG xVTG xVLW xVWR xWPL xXTE xZDA xZTG xBOD BWW
CZONE™ Network Bridge Interface - Designed to isolate sections of the NMEA 2000 network to decrease standby current draw. Can be used for Isolation when bridging between two CAN networks.
NMEA 2000 Micro-C Medium duty cable. 20 m (65.6 ft) Low loss 18-gauge cable recommended for network backbone runs resulting in a more robust network. Cables are identified by orange locking collars.